SEC Filings
Date Form Description XBRL Pages
10/10/12 D Form D: Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. 5
10/05/12 POS AM Form POS AM: Post-effective amendment to a registration statement that is not immediately effective upon filing 80
10/04/12 8-K Form 8-K: Current report filing 3
10/02/12 D Form D: Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. 5
09/28/12 4 Form 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities 1
09/27/12 4 Form 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities 1
09/24/12 8-K Form 8-K: Current report filing 3
09/21/12 4 Form 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities 1
09/20/12 D Form D: Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. 5
09/19/12 4 Form 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities 1